On Sun, 28 May 2006 14:25:20 +0200, Kath O'Donnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> - the amount showed up in my paypal account ok though (as pending
> transaction as expected), but sounds like it didn't complete at
> fundable. I have an Australian paypal account. does fundable only work
> with US ones? my paypal works ok - used it successfully yesterday so I
> don't think it's a problem with my account/credit card. is fundable
> looking for a US credit card number range perhaps?

When using credit cards directly fundable only works in US, UK, Canada, 
Australia. when using PayPal I don't think there are any restrictions. I 
plegded a donation using a Danish PayPal account.

I'd e-mail Jay directly. He can probably login to fundable directly and 
check if your donation got recorded propery or not.

Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen
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