hey greg

interesting question and i imagine that you will get lots of interesting responses

many people may say that you have to post regularly and often.

as a "viewer". i disagree.

in fact, i never delete feeds from fireant or itunes because of a lack of posting

truth is: i'm more likely to delete a feed right after watching a post than at any other time

of course it all depends what you are looking for

there is much more to vlogging than just the numbers

you should be aware however that there is some funky stuff going on with itunes where it stops pulling a feed if "you" (the viewer) don't keep up with it and this of course can affect your (the publisher) numbers.

another point: your feeds could be easier to work with.  i love that you have a mefeedia feed, but it would be great if you had an mRSS feed that was easily accessible (i.e., a feedburner or similar rich media feed) for us itunes and fireant users.  the tiny little atom feed (no offense) does not help most of us here and is hard to find on your page.  i recommend that you at least burn a feed at feedburner and put the link prominently on your page.  itunes buttons are also nice.

see freevlog.org for more info on feedburner (is it still step 6 these days?  lots of great additions lately and it's so hard to keep up with that electric verdi - he's always doing something new).
congrats on your new vlog and not buying gas for 7 months - would love to see that car sometime

are you coming to vloggercon?

also in California


greg wrote:


I have just started my vlog last month, and have posted around 7
videos so far.

I have a few more "Waiting in the wings". (actually, they are starting to stack up)

How often do people post vlogs?  Is it daily, once a week, a couple
of times a week?  I have not been in the community long enough to figure this out yet by following the RSS feeds.

I have been checking out my "visitors" via sitemeter, but I don't
seem to have that many.

I don't want to post videos faster than they get viewed, but if I
have no viewers, should I still post videos?

Any thoughts?





Markus Sandy


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