This is something I was trying to figure out myself once. Some time
back I found this a great graphcal SE and think that this
is the ticket.

So for example I entered your domain: and can view results in a list. Your site is
among the results. You should see a tab for map view. Here you will
click the graphical refrence to your site. It too expands as it drills
down. This is what I think could solve navigating the archives on your
site. For my purposes, I realized I would need to have a way to attach
keywords to the clips. I envisioned all clips in a kind of internet
snow bubble. The snowflakes (video clips) are seperate but form the
whole = the clips are days from my life. Or another annaolgy my clips
are like flakes of dandruff on my head.

Some content is rleated to other clip's content; friends, location,
time of year, occassion.

I thought and still think that this would be the best way to display a
immersive video experience so that the visitor is exploring rather
then following.

--- In, greg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
a little advice before i plunge head-long into some 
> guerilla web design
With lean technology designed to be a non-disruptive adjunct to
enterprise systems, Grokker is economical, a snap to integrate and
requires minimal IT support. Grokker features multi-source federation,
data clustering and visualization, dynamic filtering and data-mining,
and powerful collaboration tools that makes research actionable

> RV)...i'd like to do is present the whole succession of 7 years

> This would essentially be one giant web page with varying bits of text
> and thumbnail links to as much as a hundred or so movies!

> Is there any blogging software which might support 
> this "feature"... this time-variant way of posting... or for lack of 
> better term... retrospective blogging?

> Any ideas anybody?
> I'd also (ideally) like to be able to group certain entries together, 
> in thematic chapters..
> well for those who are curious, here's my old-school and very messy 
> prototype (which i abandoned a couple months ago... in deference to 
> my blogspot).. which certainly demonstrates a need for such a re-
> presented page ...
> But messy as it is, there are dozens of blanks that i'm ready to fill 
> in!
> and taken as a whole... 7 years of "mobile blogging"....  yes, at 
> times its a pretty intense story!
> Any help surely appreciated!
> cheers,
> Greg
> los angeles

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