Shit happens.  This groaning of shallowness shall also pass.

  -- Enric

--- In, "missbhavens1969"
> Ahhh, yes. That was it. That was the one. I knew it would happen
sooner or later. The
> message thread that might finally  shove me clear over the edge as
far as this board is
> concerned.
> I used to consult the board a lot. There's lots of handy info and
tons of cool people who
> want to help out. Sometimes there's some neat heated debates going
on, but too
> frequently there are just bitchy, snappish back-and-forths, wild
"oh, but it's so hard to
> interpret what you really meant in print! Oooh, isn't text just so
> misunderstandings, snippity-do-da's and one-line zingers that
clutter up this space and
> make it feel like a high, wait: a Junior High School
cafeteria. Wait: An All-Girls
> Junior High School Cafeteria (yeah, and that's not sexist. If anyone
here has spend any
> time around 8th grade girls you know what I'm talking about here). I
go away for the
> weekend and come home to quicky scroll through the messages and find
this half-baked,
> faux-profound, vlogger-baiting bullshit? An "I'm so shallow, you're
so shallow, too"
> thread? Why would anyone want to participate in that? That didn't
feel like an invitation to
> a conversation about the meaning of "meaning", and the subsequent
posts sure didn't
> read like productive conversation and  I'm damn surprised so many
people joined in the
> non-fun.  "...making salad" ?  "...takes a meaningless swing." ?
"...casey only stepped in to
> make a point that casey exists" ?  I feel like we've got this
message group chock full of
> people who have are hell-bent on communication via videoblogging or
otherwise and yet I
> look at this board and I'm astonished at the consistent lack of
>  I don't feel the need to defend my apparent lack of depth to
someone who asks her
> questions in some bizarre haiku-ish format just because she saw a
video that made her go
> "oooooooh" and she realized that so many other videos don't make her
go "ooooooh", and
> I'm not posting this message to prove I exist. What are you getting
at? I post therefore I
> am? Take that desperatly-wishing-to-be-existential, cranky, vague,
meaningless thread
> about meaning and cram it.
> You know what? Kiss my vlog-ass. Ponder that.
> I've hit my message-board wall.
> And, no...I won't likely vlog about it. It would probably end up
shallow since all we're really
> doing is attaching "meaning" to meaningless things in order to "get
what we want" from
> others.
> Bekah
> --

Fireant Individual Typepad


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