I have been having similar problems and I have done three things

one - resycn the feed, in the trobleshootise section
two - ping the feed
three - posting a blank post in my blogger(and I don't know why that
works i just found out by accident, I delete it later)


Hope you get it sorted cos I have just subscribed (great idea)


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Richard (Show) Hall"
> The most recent mp4 file on
> http://inspiredhealing.tv
> Does not show up in iTunes and I can't figure out why. The feed is:
> http://feeds.feedburner.com/inspiredhealing
> Any help appreciated
> ... Richard
> p.s. Could it have something to do with the suffix .mp4, which we
are using
> for the first time, rather than .mov?
> p.p.s. I spent a lot of time fixing an initial MIME type issue with
the help
> of Michael and Google, by creating .htaccess files. I thought that
might be
> the problem but the MIME type thing seems to be working in that firefox
> seems to be treating/playing it like it does any quicktime file
(which is
> wasn't doing before)
> -- 
> http://richardhhall.org
> http://richardshow.com
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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