> And this is just mine. I wish my graduate studies were in economics so I
> could have the funding and time to generate real numbers to back up my
> point.

no need... you are spot on.

>   > When something reaches "critical mass" which I think YT has, it
> > becomes an entity of it's own, takes on a life of it's own. The
> > sheer amount of Main Stream Media coverage that YT gets is staggering
> > when compaired to other forms of online media. When I read about
> > blip, or bloggers or vloggers it is usually in "tech" magizines, like
> > PC World, CNet, etc, MOST of the arricles that I see about YT come
> > from the MSM, THAT is what "regular" people are reading and
> > watching. let's face it if you are on this group or one similar you
> > are NOT a "regular" person, (and I don't mean that in a bad way) but
> > for the average person, I really think YT is online video.
> Again, yes and no. The MSM talks about MySpace endlessly, too. None of
> the most-read blogs on the Web are from MySpace. I think what I'm
> suggesting to you is that there are very different kinds of attention out
> there to get, and one does not translate to the other. Despite the
> proliferation of various blog-based online communities, the most popular
> blogs aren't in those communities, and they only get more popular. In
> fact, those communities are the echo chambers of the blogs standing
> separate.
> > Now that doesn't mean it is the only source or the only way to go,
> > but it is a force and a very powerful one.
> Right, but to suggest it is the end-all is, I believe, simplifying things
> way too much.
> > Look at it this way Microsoft is not the best operating system out
> > there, most people know that but when most people think of computers
> > they think of PC's and mircosoft, not Apple and while Apple is great
> > and has a strong following, it by far is eclipsed by MS.....because
> > that is what people know, they made it easy, YT has made it easy and
> > to most ease of use will always win the day.
> I develop operating systems for a living, and I share the opinion of a lot
> of people that they all pretty much suck equally in slightly different
> ways. I know that's not your point, but I just wanted to drop that in
> there.
> The analogy you're offering here is really an apples-to-oranges
> comparison. Windows enjoys the position it does because of monopolistic
> behavior that has had the longstanding effect of destroying customer
> choice. That's something you can see as good or bad, and that's not my
> point. My point is that you cannot compare the oligopolistic market of
> operating systems vendors to the monopolistically competetive world of
> online video. They have very different market dynamics.
> Basically, YouTube is a distribution network. It's a store, but it's free
> to consumers. So, your argument's analogy might be better phrased this
> way:
> Most people think of Wal*Mart and Target as the general focus of retail
> and they do almost all of their retail there. To them, Wal*Mart and
> Target are retail. So, if you're making a product for retail sale, the
> only way you're going to reach people is if you put all of your focus on
> promoting with respect to Wal*Mart and Target.
> I'm saying that's not so. They're a distribution and promotion channel,
> and they're VERY strong, and thus you should use them to your benefit, but
> to suggest it's time to pack it in and move to YouTube makes as much sense
> as selling a quality product only to Wal*Mart and Target and to only
> promote yourself via their advertising partnerships. Sure, you'll reach
> the people who are there, but you intentionally have capped your reach.
> > but that is just my opinion ;)
> And this is just mine. I wish my graduate studies were in economics so I
> could have the funding and time to generate real numbers to back up my
> point.
> --
> Rhett.
> http://www.weatherlight.com/freetime

http://vlogdir.com (a project)
http://SpreadTheMedia.org (my blog)
http://interdigitate.com (otherly)

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