I'd prefer to make February through December boycott youtube months
rather then promote its name. I can't post to youtube. My account was
'permanently banned'. You know why? Because of the idiotic censorship
system that means anyone who hates you (I have many of those) can get
your videos and even your user account banned from their system.
Contrary to popular opinion, the videos I posted which got banned were
tame, save for a few nipples. Screw Youtube. I will not participate in
any venue which practices censorship.

Richard Bluestein

concerning the freedom of the vlogosphere and what that means. Can we
> make February or March "YouTube Month" in the vlogosphere? Let's mash
> 'em up and link 'em and praise 'em like crazy. Evangelize YouTube.
> Concerted effort.
> Happy New Year!
> Jan
> -- 
> The Faux Press - better than real
> http://fauxpress.blogspot.com

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