All your plays are recorded over on blip so that no matter where your  
video is sitting, the playing of it gets counted.

Brightcove also has embedded players that track plays...

If you want your website to get hits, you need to have the viewer  
visit the site...

I think that the days of counting website hits is going away, and the  
future lies in counting the number of times the media is watched no  
matter where it sits.

Also, I'm hoping that we get beyond CMP or cost per 1,000  
impressions, and are able to move toward the value of sponsorship for  
a targeted audience.

That's where the real advertiser value is in web video vs. blasting  
out an ad to thousands of people who don't care to see it.


On Jan 2, 2007, at 3:27 PM, Mark Westin wrote:

> Hi folks -
> I'm more of a content guy than a tech guy, so I hope some of you with
> tech expertise can explain something to me.  I'm working on building a
> vlog for a friend, trying to write the code myself and learn by doing.
>  We're trying to figure out a player that can be embedded on other
> people's sites, as opposed to just putting a link or a screen capture
> image there.
> I use blip now, and I know we could also go with YouTube or any number
> of others, but then when people watch the videos, the site whose
> player it is gets credit for the traffic.  We'd like to be able to get
> the traffic when people watch our video, wherever it ends up.
> I also know bandwidth will get expensive, but put that part aside for
> the moment.  Is it possible within reasonable time and expense to
> build an embedded player that brings the traffic back to my site, no
> matter where the player ends up?
> (and as I said, I'm still not much of a tech guy, so if I've phrased
> anything incorrectly, please let me know and I won't be
> offended.)
> Thanks,
> Mark
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Steve Garfield

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