Supposedly, Grand Rapids (where I live) will have Wimax by 2008...

On 1/17/07, [] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   At CES, I saw all kinds of "traditional" media. They had monster-sized
> cameras, tons of lighting, and all kinds of gear. I watched these two
> guys truss up a modded grocery shopping cart with their stuff, and it
> took them maybe 40 minutes from "lamps off" to "ready to roll."
> I feel foolish pride at having my whole rig in a backpack. I've got my
> videocamera, my laptop, an extra storage hard drive, and even an MP3
> recorder, a pro-grade microphone, and a digital camera.
> But what I don't have (and maybe this is because Mac doesn't have EVDO
> or EDGE devices) is that "last mile" to upload my stuff to the net
> from anywhere. Is it really that easy? If I had a PCM/CIA slot and an
> EVDO card, would I have a 100% mobile media solution?
> INSTANT broadcasting is another question. Is that the value of
> Stickam, and if so, how come we're not seeing outside people's
> bedrooms on that service?
> Just thoughts. I was out in my car the other day, waiting for ice to
> thaw, and I snapped a few pictures using PhotoBooth that went right to
> my Flickr account because I was still loosely tied to my wifi. It got
> me wanting live-from-field capture desperately.
> What do you think?
> --Chris Brogan..

Josh Leo

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