Oh wise videobloggers. I've been shooting stuff on a Canon Elph SD400
at 640/480 at 15fps and it arrives as .avi files. I've tried messing
with the settings in FCP to get to that spec, but no luck. It
especially doesn't like 15fps in the settings. 

I can edit it in FCP, but  it has to be rendered first (same in iMovie
on import) and it think it treats it like 720/29.97fps video from that
point on, at least that's what the source window says in Compressor. 

My wish, my dream, is to simply have Final Cut Pro let me edit my
video just as it was shot. 640/15fps. Or 320, etc. 

It's a dream. Thanks for any help. BTW, love the SD400, very
unobtrusive, yet OK video for a still camera. 

caleb john clark

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