--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen"
> Den 03.02.2007 kl. 01:22 skrev Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> CC does help you protect your content for two reasons. First because
> work had more protections before you applied the license and secondly  
> because ignorance if not a valid defense.
> -- 
> Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen
> <URL: http://www.solitude.dk/ >

IMO, that's the best part about CC.  Like Andreas says: "Ignorance is
not a defense".  If you know enough to aggregate someone's videos, you
should know that there are rules and regulations to what you're doing.
 You should also know that it's pretty common practice for people who
care about these things to put some kind of license notice A) on their
site, B) in the feed or C) on a card in their actual video that you're
streaming and putting ads on and in front of.

If it comes down to brass tacks, they can't say "Well... I went to the
web site and looked and it didn't say anything about copyright, so I
assumed I could use it".  They can't say "Well... I watched the whole
video and couldn't figure out whom to attribute creation credit to or
whether they allowed people to make money with their video without
talking to them first.

If they complain to a judge that they were bitten several hundred
times by your dog after they came into your front yard, uninvited...
you just inform the judge that there was a "beware of dog" sign on the
fence they hopped over. :D

Bill C.

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