It's great that VON is embracing vloggers. one word of warning. Think  
carefully about which email address and phone number (if any) you  
want to submit.

I registered as a freelancer and my email address and phone number  
(cell of all things) was put on the press list and I've received a  
bajiion VOiP pitches from pr peeps around the country. It will be a  
matter of time to see if my cell # is salvageable, although they were  
nice enough to take it off the main list, it's already out there.

You would think fro the # of emails and calls I've been getting that  
this conference is mainly focussed on VOIP, which is certainly not my  
area of interest at all. When one pr person asked me what i was  
interested in I told her "really, video on the Net ."  :-)


Video on the Net for Videobloggers
Posted by: "[]" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   chrisbrogandotcom
Thu Mar 8, 2007 7:38 pm (PST)

Jeff Pulver just asked me to extend out an invitation for any
videobloggers on this list to attend Spring 2007 Video on the Net,
which is March 20-22nd in San Jose, CA.

By invitation, I'm saying that he'd like to invite you to attend (and
vlog if you so choose) as his guest.

*Stipulation: you have to have an active, current videoblog.
*Stipulation: you have to tell us by March 17th.

Otherwise, we want you to come join the community and the conversation.

Please send mail if you're interested. I'll need:

Company (or Videoblog name)
URL to the Videoblog
Title (as you want it on the badge)
Mailing Address

If you haven't checked out who's speaking and/or who from Network2 is
on the show floor, please take a look. It's going to be lots of fun.

Drop me a line,

--Chris Brogan...
blog (at)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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