Something I came across recently....


On 12 Mar 2007 12:01:21 -0700, Steve Watkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   The flash meeting chat that Harold highlighted had some interesting
> talk about collaboration in it too.
> I guess its a subject that comes up quite often here, and yet I never
> ending up recording much progress on that front. I know a stock answer
> has become 'use spinxpress' and clearly it must work and be good
> because it comes recommended by some people who will ahve used it for
> such purposes. As I havent used it myself I remain pretty ignorant
> about exactly what it offers beyond peer2peer filesharing, anybody got
> a few moments to elaborate on how it fits into the process, and what
> sort of collaborative processes fit well with this tool?
> Anyway I guess there are all sorts of non-technical reasons why
> collaboration can be a challenge. Having time, being in sync with the
> others, communicating ideas that may be hard to put into words,
> differing aims of different people, different inspirations etc, can
> all get in the way.
> I would guess that maybe some of these hurdles could be overcome with
> something similar to the youtube phenomenon - tools that work in the
> browser easily, and a critical mass of users and content. Im quite
> interested in systems where there would be millions of very short
> video fragments available in the system, and peple could construct
> vidoes from these and their own pieces. I am interested in 'video'
> type content being created semi-automatically from other sources (eg a
> text-to-video thing based on keywords that relate to the clip fragments).
> Ive run out of time to waffle now, any thoughts on this or completely
> different aspects of the collaboration thang?
> Cheers
> Steve Elbows

Sull (a project) (my blog) (otherly)

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