Maybe if networks like MTV and Comedy Central put out more then 1 or 2
interesting shows instead of some of the crap they are trying to pass
off as TV more people would be interested in watching them on
television instead of posting and viewing their good clips online.  If
the big network execs are worried about losing money they should look
internally at who is choosing the programming?

--- In, "Heath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Check it
> I mean seriously,  1 billion dollars?!?!  Give me a freaking 
> break...I worry about the future I really do....I mean yeah, they 
> have got content but 1 billion?!?  Get real.....
> Interesting that this announcement comes on the heals of Viacom 
> saying that they are going to create a site where people 
> can "leagaly" mash up their work.......Ah...corprate politics at it's 
> finest.....
> NEW YORK - MTV owner Viacom Inc. said Tuesday it has sued YouTube and 
> its corporate parent Google Inc. in federal court for alleged 
> copyright infringement and is seeking more than $1 billion in damages.
> Viacom claims that the more than 160,000 unauthorized video clips 
> from its cable networks, which also include Comedy Central, VH1 and 
> Nickelodeon, have been available on the popular video-sharing Web 
> site.
> The lawsuit marks a sharp escalation of long-simmering tensions 
> between Viacom and YouTube. Last month Viacom demanded that YouTube 
> remove more than 100,000 unauthorized clips after several months of 
> talks between the companies broke down.
> In a statement, Viacom lashed out at YouTube's business practices, 
> saying it has "built a lucrative business out of exploiting the 
> devotion of fans to others' creative works in order to enrich itself 
> and its corporate parent Google."
> Viacom said YouTube's business model, "which is based on building 
> traffic and selling advertising off of unlicensed content, is clearly 
> illegal and is in obvious conflict with copyright laws."
> A representative for Google didn't immediately respond to a request 
> for comment.
> Other media companies have also clashed with YouTube over copyrights, 
> but some, including CBS Corp. and General Electric Co.'s NBC 
> Universal, have reached deals with the video-sharing site to license 
> their material.
> Universal Music Group, a unit of France's Vivendi SA, had threatened 
> to sue YouTube, saying it was a hub for pirated music videos, but 
> later reached a licensing deal with them.
> Viacom filed the lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Southern 
> District of New York and is also seeking an injunction prohibiting 
> Google and YouTube from using its clips.
> Heath

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