sure.  except film is not part of it ;) maybe tape and hard drive cylinders,
but no film.
i hear you and its always been true.
thats why i have always disagreed with the whole 'vlog as genre' idea.
vlog is just blogging videos.  nothing more than that.  any video.
of course people will have many labels for themselves since many will tend
to always be applicable.
i dont think those who make video to communicate... for messaging or video
conversations.... consider themselves filmmakers though.


On 3/15/07, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   I think we're all just film-makers. You don't have to be a
> 'professional' any more. You're making films. Like a writer
> writes. Or a musician musicianifizes. To classify according to the
> distribution method is almost irrelevant, now, because it's the norm.
> I've quoted it before, but here's Francis Ford Coppola in 87/88:
> "To me the great hope is that now these little 8mm video recorders
> and stuff have come out, some... just people who normally wouldn't
> make movies are going to be making them, and - you know - suddenly,
> one day, some little fat girl in Ohio is going to be the new Mozart -
> you know - and make a beautiful film with her little father's
> camera...corder - and for once the so-called professionalism about
> movies will be destroyed... Forever..."
> Well, forget the Mozart part - we didn't need a Messiah to change
> people's attitudes, we needed the distribution methods to change.
> And now it's the norm for films to be shown online, so ideas of
> labelling us according to blogging, vlogging, web, net or youtube
> have less meaning. and don't help you find types of content any
> more. We're just filmmakers. What TYPE of films you make...
> fiction, animation, documentary, magazine shows, autobiographical,
> confessional, reality TV, instructional... now that's another matter :-)
> Rupert
> On 15 Mar 2007, at 17:54, humancloner1997 wrote:
> anyone have any thoughts and/or suggestions for new terms we might
> start using in this new world of videoblogging?
> Randolfe (Randy) Wicker
> Hoboken, NJ 07030
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Sull (a project) (my blog) (otherly)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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