I'm just a vlogging newb but I've big plans!  a couple of weeks ago I
started a vlog called Developing Grand Rapids <http://developinggr.com> 
.  It's already become pretty popular with the local development

Just today, I started a new vlog to chronicle the rehabilitation of the
house we just closed on yesterday.  It's called This Old GR House
<http://developinggr.com/house/> .  I've got a lot of work to do on this
house and I'm going to try to vlog a good bit of it.

Developing GR: http://developinggr.com
This Old GR House: http://developinggr.com/house/

I'd love to hear your feedback and comments.

Thanks to Josh Leo for discovering and encouraging my vlogging habits
early (like within a day of going live ;)

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