hi all,

just wanted to say a big thank you to those of you who have written to
me already, I've sent the questions along from my university email, so
hopefully they've not got lost into anyone's spam filters.

Also, if anyone's intersted in helping out, I am still looking for
volunteers, so drop me a line.

many thanks

On 3/22/07, trine bjørkmann berry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Some of you might know (of) me already, but for those of you who
> don't, I am a researcher in Media & Film at the University of Sussex,
> UK, and am currently writing my thesis on Videoblogging.
> Part of my study is conducting interviews with videobloggers, and I am
> currently looking for volunteers. I'd be really grateful if you would
> spare a little of your time to tell me about your site. If you agree
> to help, I'll mail you a few questions off list. Your answers can be
> as long or short as you like. You could really help me by spending as
> little as 10 minutes telling me about your experiences. In anything I
> use from what you say, I will make sure that no clues are given to
> your identity.
> I hope you will help. Sorry to have wasted your time if you're not interested.
> Many thanks
> Trine B Berry
> Doctoral Candidate
> Department of Media & Film
> University of Sussex
> http://www.sussex.ac.uk/mediastudies/profile185401.html


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