If anyone is having problems with Blip, this really isnt the place to ask.

Go where the Blippers reside.

Go here --> http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/blip-users


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "humancloner1997" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I've had repeated trouble uploading .mov Quicktime files to Blip that
> I've managed to upload without problems at Veoh & YouTube.
> I understand where you are coming from.  I use Blip to cross post to
> my vlog which is the way most people see my videos.
> The people at Blip are really nice dedicated folks.  Let's face it,
> they give us something for nothing and don't infringe copyrights, etc.
> They are really at the "spiritual center' of the vlogging movement in
> so many ways.  Those really involved in all this have "Blips" in our
> heart for Blip.TV :-)
> However, I know how upsetting ti is when something that has worked so
> well in the past and that you have come to take for granted suddenly
> devcelops a bug that threatens to bring down your entire vlogging
> "dreamworld".
> I haven't even explored features like crossposting that I believe are
> offerred by sites like Veoh (where I also post).
> If Ryanne Hodson and Jay Dedman hadn't been volunteering at the NYC
> ashort-lived Node101 storefront on weekends back in the fall of 2005,
> I'm not sure I would have ever even gotten my RSS feed up and running.
> I still haven't figured out how to add a description to it in
> Feedburner or MeFeedia so I really don't get the subscriptions I might.
> None of us should put "all our eggs in one basket".  That is why I
> post on three sites: Blip, Veoh & YouTube.  
> Each site offers something special.  Blip is great at crossposting. 
> Veoh has an educated and cultured viewership I've not found elsewhere
> & allows you to publish v ideos of any length.  YouTube has "the
> masses"--most of whom are mindless consumers.
> YouTube is like a mammoth garbage dump with "crown jewels" buried here
> and there.  If you know how to searchg, use subscriptions & favorites,
> etc. and you're willing to settle for low quality videos if you use
> SnapzPro to capture videos from the Internet, YouTube has real things
> to offer too.
> I'd personally like to know more about Google & some of the other
> hosting sites folks use and what their opinions are regarding them.
> Originally, I stuck strictly with Blip because I thought I might want
> to use my videos in a commercial documentary.  Then I got "corrupted"
> by the much greater traffic and reactions I could get to my videos on
> Veoh and YouTube.
> At this point, for me, "my message" is the medium, and I've really
> stopped caring about ownership rights, etc.  I want to share my videos
> with as many people as I can find to watch them.
> That said, my heart still belongs to Blip and I'll put up with as many
> shortcomings as I can before seeking other options.  I really hope
> that day never comes.  I would like to see Blip be the "next big thing".
> Vloggingly yours,
> Randolfe (Randy) Wicker
> www.RandyWickerReporting.blogspot.com
> Hoboken, NJ (One short mile from the center of the known world)
> 201-656-3280
> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "furnitology" <furnitology@>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi
> > 
> >   I'm at a loss.  Since last Thursday(3/22)....my feed from BlipTV is 
> > not being read by iTunes and I can't seem to get a solution.
> > 
> >   I've done all the trouble shooting at itunes, feed for previous 
> > episodes all work. I resubscribed with iTunes advanced drop down-menu 
> > and all previous episodes download.  I pinged my site an get a 
> > message that ping successful.
> > 
> >   I went to FeedValidator and compared a working episode with my most 
> > recent and they do not compare well. Seems information is missing.  I 
> > have contaced Bliip support and I am told they noticed tag lines 
> > missing in feed.  It's been siince early yesterday and have heard 
> > nothing from blip support.  Very frustrating as iTunes is 48% of my 
> > viership.  Honestly I'm frustrated and BUMMING!!!
> > 
> >   Help with suggestions would be greatly apprecaited....I've pretty 
> > much run the course of my knowledge base.  Next would be tp produce a 
> > short video and try to download and see what happens, but then that 
> > meesses up my other aggrigator feeds which work fine.
> > 
> >    THanks..................Neil
> >

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