Just kidding....well it is for me anyway.  I will try but I just 
don't see how I can possibly do it this week.  One, I will be gone 4 
nights out of the week doing play stuff, Two - I will be gone most 
nights doing play stuff....

Maybe I will play catch up on the other days, I thought about filming 
a bunch of stuff today....but responsability looks like it is getting 
in the way again of me having fun...Oh joy...

So I am declaring this for all those who can't vlog this week, let's 
do another week!  why not, right?  We can do what we want no rules!  
The beauty of internet vlogging....no rules...

So who's with me?!

knowing my track record.....I am guessing no one.....  ;)

but I don't care, I'm going to do it cause I can, and I will still 
tag it video blogging week 2007, cause who is going to stop me!

Heath (fighting the man, since before I was born!)

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