If you want to minimize the time spent on setting up a site to output your
video content and have the added benefit of being indexed and findable by
other people more easily, then you should at least start with blip.tv.  It's
really the best first step to take for any serious videoblogger.   Serious
as in.... one who wants more control as a publisher than what some other
services allow for.  blip.tv evolved from the grassroots videoblogging
movement so they reflect the needs of the community better than anyone that
I have seen.   They are great for newbies and prolific users alike.

As you evolve your project or start new ones that are dependent on video (or
even audio) production and distribution, you may want to explore other ways
to enhance your "brand" and/or general creative control.
This can always be done in tandem with a service like blip.tv.  But if you
discover reasons to host your media on your own web server like dreamhost (a
good choice btw) along with your blogs, galleries or CMS... then you have
options and free software that is usually easy to install... and generous
bandwdith allowances that usually suffice most people.

Also, Web Hosts are evolving to provide more services to media makers and
will eventually resemble services like blip.tv.  Dreamhost is taking small
steps towards that I think.  Likewise, I bet some video centric hosting
services will try to broaden their features by becoming more like
traditional web hosts.


On 4/4/07, Daniel Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   New to vlogging and setting up my vlog now. Not certain whether I should
> go
> with an inexpensive high disk-space / bandwidth server (dreamhost) or a
> host
> such as blip.tv.
> This will be on my own domain. I¹ve read over blip¹s licensing terms, so
> I¹m aware of that. I plan to eventually post numerous videos (more than
> 100) as I already have lots of content.
> I¹m tending toward dreamhost, which seems to give me more control ­ and I
> could use their QT streaming capabilities. Would this be a good choice ­ ?
> Any other guidance regarding this is much appreciated!
> Thanks.
> * DF
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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