Hi everyone:

On 4/9/07, Mike Meiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not even going to say wether Josh was right or wrong... but I both
> respect him and am tremendously grateful to him that he's driving the
> discussion and pressing the point.

He pressed it enough to get the attention of PBS.

> The bottom line is this... there has been plenty of understanding of
> due process when it comes to physical property. Our right to be secure
> in our physical property... say a diary... our mail.

Not to mention mainstream journalists and their sources when major
stories that lead to controversy and scandals are broke.

> But as we move into intellectual property it gets stickier and
> stickier.  Phone tapping was one thing... but now that our means of
> communication also become self archiving like email, video, photos,
> and audio... we have very important NEW considerations because now the
> governent can sopoena not just records of meta information like who
> you called... but increasingly records of what was said... in email,
> audio recordings, video footage, photos.

Apparently the government has yet to acquaint itself with the Internet

> The funny thing is more of this information is public on our blogs,
> video and photosharing sites, twiter... and all over.  This alone
> gives the institutions of law enforcement and intelligence tremendous
> new powers and tools... I'm not so convinced... well...  I'm downright
> opposed to the idea that they also need new liberties and are cutting
> through the "red tape" of due process to get at our personal data.

They don't neccessarily need new liberties.  In many cases, they just
simply flex the muscles of the OLD ones instead.

> It's an extremely slippery slope.

It is indeed :(

Cheers :D

Pat Cook
Denver, Colorado
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