I scooted down to the Capitol to see the Future of Video hearing of
the Internet and Telcommunications Subcommittee of the house of Reps.
The Chairman, Ed Markey, whipped out his camcorder, vlogger style, and
shot the audience. He YouTubed it and you can see it on his site.


Meanwhile, I shot him and YouTubed him shooting it. I think I got mine
up first!


As for the hearing, it was cool until I ran out of batteries.
)(*&$%&*%$Y&[EMAIL PROTECTED] Too many suits, no non corporate people 

It was people like Markey included Chad Hurley, co-founder of YouTube,
Thomas S. Rogers of TiVo, Benjamin N. Pyne from Disney and ESPN
Networks, Blake Krikorian of Sling Media and Mark Cuban, co-founder of

I don't know if any schmo off the street can shoot video during
committee hearings, but for this particular one, they were open to me
whipping out my Xacti.

Big ups to Chris Parandian for letting me know about the hearing.

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