a couple things for those of you coming to LA next weekend for the festival:

--all the screening and presentations are free (first come, first
served)...BUT if you want to attend the keynote speakers, you got to
buy a ticket since there are only 150 seats in the main auditorium.
This also helps us pay for the AFI venue.

--promos are here: http://pixelodeonfest.com/category/videos/
make your own. promote yourself even if you arent coming.
we'll probably be screening them throughout the event.

--Cheryl set up a map: http://attendr.com/pixelodeon
if youre coming, place yourself.

--Zadi and Steve made a flickr pool:
Its photobooth time!!!

Email me offlist with questions.
I can help anyone who wants to come but needs logistical support.


Here I am....

Check out the latest project:
Webvideo festival this June!!!!

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