Sorry, please disregard, I didn't have the phone on lock and that email was 
sent by my pocket. 

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-----Original Message-----
From: "andrew michael baron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2007 09:45:33
Subject: Re: [videoblogging] Re: Freedom of Speech Watch How you Say it.  Call 
For Help


Sent via CrackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: "yeehawsunny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 23:11:11
Subject: [videoblogging] Re: Freedom of Speech Watch How you Say it.  Call For 

My good friend runs the American Civil Liberties Union out of Bemidji,
 MN. I'm headed home/MN this Sunday to work on the White Earth
 Reservation at a wild food gathering. I could introduce you to my
 friend next week if you want/have time (email me offline).

 As someone noted earlier, there's always 2 sides to every story....but
 here here to keeping independent media/voice alive! I would imagine
 that as opinions and information are more easily accessible to the
 general public, these kinds of scenarios might happen with more
 frequency..?. But it also means they'll get exposed more quickly.

 cheers, ~sunny

 --- In videoblogging@ <>, "Jay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > Gena I looked at the EFF and believe that will help. If anyone knows
 > any names of Lawyers that are willing to push the system.
 > I am a Vlogger I believe in the ability of the general public needs to
 > have the ablity to express our selfs and keep the powers that be in
 > line and responsible. I started a Non-profit that works with Youth
 > "Superior Educational Television" A link to one of my Vlogs is here

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