I was thinking the same thing and last month I put my machinima pieces up
there. And since I'm releasing all my work under creative commons
attribution I guess I've don't have much to complain about TOSwise. I'm in.
- Verdi

On 6/28/07, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   So. I'm going to have a little experiment in July. I'm going to
> copy all new Twittervlog posts onto Youtube.
> I've never really made the effort to post on YouTube, and have
> complained here before about how I'm turned off by how nasty everyone
> is there, about the rating system, the visible number of views and
> how ugly and uncustomisable it is. It's always seemed to me to have
> very little friendmaking and social networking going on there. Just
> a lot of people shouting LOOK AT *ME*!
> I'm not very interested in making money, being famous or getting
> millions of views. I just want to have fun making films, connect
> with the kind of people who will like my stuff, get to know people -
> and maybe evangelise a little about videoblogging & online video.
> These have always been my justifications for not bothering with YouTube.
> But actually, since YouTube is where pretty much everybody else in
> the world watches videos online (see stats at http://tinyurl.com/
> 28vec7), I figure that I *should* be able to connect with a lot more
> people by using it. And my interest has been piqued by YouTube's new
> regional sites - including a UK site - announced last week.
> Plus, frankly, it feels a little odd when i enthuse to ordinary
> people about online video and then have to admit that I don't really
> use YouTube. I think it probably makes me seem like a snob and a nerd.
> I have one video on Youtube at the moment - of the Flash Mob at
> Victoria Station - and it's had as many views (13,000 - not many by
> YT standards) as all my 80+ videos on my blog & at Blip combined.
> And, you know, I've had not one nasty comment.
> So. My aim is to really try to explore the communities there, make a
> few friends, find like minded people and cool videos and have FUN.
> Any other non-tubers want to join me?
> Rupert
> http://twittervlog.blogspot.com/
> http://www.twitter.com/ruperthowe/
> http://feeds.feedburner.com/twittervlog/
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Author of Secrets Of Videoblogging - http://tinyurl.com/me4vs

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