Got bit by the mouse (Disney) huh? Yeah, I'm not surprised. With some
of the republican candidates refusing to participate in the originally
stated premise of joint citizen involved "debates" I'm not all that
shocked about this turn of events. ABC said one thing and did another.
The stomach churns.

In my cynical state (which I will soon appease by eating some Tuna
Curry), why would ABC News cede any time to responsible vloggers or
true citizen input? Yes ABC Entertainment will take your work and not
compensate you but the old school news department will not allow entry
by the teaming masses. Not going to happen without a good reason or
profit motive. 

If some of the republicans didn't want to participate then they should
have gone ahead with the ones that would have shown up. What would
have been more reveling and less embarrassing except to the ones that
didn't show up?  

As far as Amanda is concerned it is ridiculous that as a vlogging ABC
News person she may or may not have been consulted or even if she was
able to offer suggestions to the producer in charge was deliberately
not being heard.

Fight the powers that be - make your own channel!


--- In, "thisiswar3005"
> I just finished watching the ABC Iowa Republican Presidential
Debate. You know the one. The 
> one that claimed to be based around video submissions by people like
you and me. The one 
> that got everyone thinking that the top rated videos would be used?
The one where it was 
> reported that ABC News George Stephanopoulos would use the questions.
> Well, they didn't do that.   Here's my video explaining what
happened and my call for a 
> Vloggercott:

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