Everything you've ever wanted to ask an Emmy Award winning video editor, 
videoblogger, and all around awesome dude this week on the Par-tay
with guest Bill Cammack. 

Bill is a big ol' ball of activity, connectivity, talent, and good
vibes. We'll talk his past, present, and future projects and whatever
else you want to talk about. I'll show a few excerpts of his work to
get the conversation going, then it's free form, no hold barred
conversation about all things vlogospheric and media drenched.

Hope to see ya there.

When: Wednesday, Aug 8, 9PM-9:40 Eastern
Where: http://jonnygoldstein.com
What: An interactive live streaming video talkshow with live text chat
What you need to watch: A computer connected to broadband. FireFox
works best, but any browser will do.
Interactivity: Live webchat. And if you get an account at
http://operator11.com and have a webcam, I can put your lovely talking
head on air live.

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