There are a couple of things I was musing over as I read your post and
the others.

I think that first you have to have content no matter if the others
contribute or not. I don't think you have to abandon your original
ideas because I think that there are a lot of people jumping in on the
green bandwagon as in carpetbaggers selling the buzz of the week. 

I think a lot of good can come from continuing to show your actual
expertise in real people making health environmental changes. I think
it can be profitable if folks know about your skills and knowledge.

Second, I think you have to find out where the green folks,
sustainability people and the environmentally conscious hang their
shingle.  They might not want to produce regularly but they may have a
video or two that they want to share or contribute to GreenTV.

If you make it known to them that this is an option you could be
swimming in content. From BlogHer there are writers who are connected
to the green side of blogging. Stroll through and see who you can hook
up with.

So yeah, for me it is defining the content, finding the folks and then
building the network one person/video at a time. 

I do agree that a management system has to be in place otherwise you'd
never be able to leave the house. You don't want it totally automatic
because there will be video trolls and spammers that will need to be
stopped at the gate.

Oh an that "not an activist" statement. Yes, you are. Per Webster's

"A doctrine or practice that emphasizes direct vigorous action
especially in support of or opposition to one side of a controversial

If you didn't believe this you couldn't take this next big step. You
might not be like "other" activists but that is ok. There is enough
work to go around.

Keep the faith,


--- In, "greentvgirl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My name is Lori Lake, I am the creator of Green TV and request the
> help of this very creative group of minds. I am debt-free and located
> on a small waterfront estate at the head of the Chesapeake Bay. I
> created Green TV over years ago because people around me kept getting
> sick and dying from pollution. I am not an activist or extremist, I am
> a business woman and considered a green "expert" by many because I
> (with my own hands and mind) designed, built and personally financed
> my own green facility on a killer waterfront that includes two
> furnished guest suites.
> I write to find how Green TV could make a great interactive site and
> the reason is not my existing Green TV web site or content. Since
> going live on the internet less than 1-year ago, I have had people
> from all over the globe asking how they could contribute their green
> photos and/or videos (ranging from amateurs to architects, local
> politicians to government leaders, educators to media)
> After much thought, I decided to forgo my original Green TV platform
> and move towards allowing others to create their own Green TV
> "stations" like, NewYork and so on.
> The site I like for my Green TV stations to be modeled after is 
>  yet it does not accept videos yet,
> however, it would provide a basic idea of what people coming to Green
> TV want to report on; Green building projects, green people in their
> community, green business/government/educator leaders again, all on a
> "local to them" basis. Imagine thousands worldwide contributing to a
> better planet while riding on the coat tails of Al Gore's 5-year green
> campaign!
> Thank you and I look forward to a mutual beneficial business
> relationship with one or members of the incredibly helpful
> Lori Lake
> Direct contact:
> Lori Lake
> Web site: Green

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