I gave ina nd went and looked and it turns out I had seen episode 1
before but had forgotten about it.

Hmmm, well I had some problems with it, but on the otherhand at least
it does attempt to use comedy to draw attention to some interesting

Issues of perceived racism etc regarding Muslims is a bigger issue
here in the UK than in the USA, because we've had quite a lot of
immigration from Pakistan and elsewhere over the decades, so they are
one of our largest minority groups. And now with the so-called 'war on
terror' these things are getting a bit unsettled. I live in the part
of my town where most of these people have settled and made their
homes, and there have been a few racially charged mini-riots in the
area (mostly involving young people) over the last 10 years. I live in
a semi-detached house and just rhough the wall, are my Muslim
neighbours. The Mosque is 20 seconds walk from my house. I have no
problem with any of this, I live peacfully with all, but I worry about
some of the attitudes of white people I work with, it could get ugly
in future. This doesnt mean I like Islam, or any other religion for
that matter, see Pat Condells comedy rants on youtube for details.

So, if they showed such a program on TV over here, I think it would
cause a huge shitstorm.

But I also think that the second series of Extra's by Ricky Gervais
touches on some interesting issues regarding dodgy stereotypes on tv,
what happens to people when they make a bad PC error, stuff like that.
Has Extra's series 2 been shown in the US of A? Im thinking of the
dodgy sitcom Gervais' character stars in, and the episode where he
gets bad press for shouting at a downs syndrome kid and ends up having
a fight with a midget.

The wrestling which is watched by millions on TV also has more than
its fair share of incorrect moments. eg a 'terrorist' type character,
french eam (actually french canadian) to be boo'ed during the height
of the US-French government fallout, 'Cryme Tyme' black team - are
they reinforcing stereotypes or mocking the media stereotypes? Vince
McMahon (company boss) saying the N word o the aforementioned team.
The list goes on, and I get the idea much of this goes uner the radar
due to mainsteam media generally pretending the wrestling doesnt exist
because its so far beneath them, unless a wrestler just killed his
wife and kid in real life as tragically happened not so long ago, then
the media can have an immature debate about it where they want a one
word explanation called steroids to explain the evil.

Lets face it, humans dont hardly know how to go about talking about
any of these issues, let alone solving them. Anyways I have the deeply
held belief that we will recognise that we've reached true equality in
the world when everyone is equally free to have the piss taken out of


Steve Elbows
--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Sull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I watched the one episode of sands.... and it was funny in an
unfunny kind
> of way.
> in other words... i smirked and made some sort of noise while
watching, but
> dont require that sort of content in my daily life.
> i would hope that it doesnt bring out deep rage in anyone.  i'm in
the "it's
> just fucking comedy" camp.  so even if i get offended, i dont get
> though some piece of work may come along one day and boil my inner
> ;)
> On 8/24/07, Irina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >   who is watching it?
> >
> > 
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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