Hmm, tiny particles? Small, like dust? Or larger, looks like flakes?
Tough to clean. I do not know how the optics work on the Xacti but...

Really small stuff usually is not a problem unless you are shooting
macro or the depth of field is close. Even then it is not always
obvious as long as the lens is not getting hit (direct light is a lens
flare, ambient light backlights the speck). Flagging lights to camera
reduces this, so does a matt box to a degree. I know the Xacti doesn't
come with a lens hood/extender (forget what it is called at the
moment) but you could make one from any number of things (imagination
the limit).

But to answer your question, try a vacuum. This will work ....maybe.
When you put the hose on the front of the lens start slow, don't want
to pop the lens, just create enough suction that if there is a slight
air leak, it will draw the particle (hopefully) out totally or at
least to the far sides of frame.

Even lenses from rental houses can have tiny particulates
inside/between the glass (lenses/optics). The stuff inside the lens
doesn't always effect the image like dust, a speck or worse a srcatch
on the outside would. And even then, you do not see the speck, it just
ends up kinda making the image not as crisp. You can hold the end of a
paper clip close to your own eye and focus on a object 20' or more
away. Same thing happens with the lens.

Taking a lens apart is usually done on a bench and there is a lot to
even the simplest of lenses in the way they are positioned/calibrated
interdependent. That is not too say it cannot be done, just that Auto
Focus might not work right or at all. Manual focus less problematic
but focal length and focus could get whack or no longer have the
correct range.

Flakes are a different story. Any number of things could be happening,
moisture, defect, damage. depending on where/large it is. Flake(s) may
not present a problem, but will likely get worse in time. See if
others with the Xacti have the same camera and this issue. 

To solve it ... try the vacuum, might be lucky to wedge it to the side
of frame. 

If it is the recorded image (and you see it in the viewfinder) has a
speck on it, and that is what you meant, then likely your chip has the
dust or dirt directly on it or a couple of pixels have gone bad.
Taking the camera apart might work, but wow, that is a bold move,
unless the camera is N/G (no good) because of this speck.

To test this..
If the speck stays in one place as you zoom/focus then it is behind
the optics and in front of the chip.

To sum it up... If it is small dust, it is something you can work
around. Call it character, a built in watermark, your calling card. It
should be almost imperceptible to most people viewing your work.

Hope the vacuum solves it for you. It would suck if you had to replace
your camera. 

--- In, "Mike Moon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My Xacti C40 has particles between the lenses. 
> Anyone seen any instructions to take apart an Xacti?
> I haven't posted here lately, but I'm still around.
> Pool is down, leaves are falling and hockey season started.
> :)
> Mike

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