Cool! I'm about to go check it out, but noticed a type-o in your url.
Should have been:

(blogspot rather than blopspot :p )

What phone are you using?

On 10/7/07, Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, I got a new phone that does video, it's crappy video but it's
> video.  So in honor of the best mobile vlogger out there (that would
> be Rupert at whose videos as SOOOOO much better)
> anyway I created a "Batman Geek mobile vlog site" called
> every day....thats right I said EVERY day
> I will be posting 30 seconds of raw, uncut and really crappy video
> (hey I am using a verizon 2nd gen chocolate phone)
> So why not take a break from all the really good vlogs out there,
> like Lo-fi St. Louis, Galaticast, Ryanne is hungry, David Howell,
> Geek entertainment, Ask a Ninja....hell almost any vlog done by this
> group and watch 30 seconds of video sent from a phone....
> What else have you got to do?  Serioulsy...
> And a HUGE thank you to Blip for making this possible and walking me
> through a few things!  they rock!!
> Heath
> Oh and if you do daily vlogs or mobile vlogging on a regular basis
> let me know and I will do a bit of link love!
> And if anyone is wondering about "Around Cincinnati" it's a long
> story....
> Yahoo! Groups Links


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