Will there be a time when corporate-owned internet providers start choosing
what goes through their networks? Some believe it's happening now, and they
seem to have legal right to do it. Comcast, one of the biggest US internet
providers, is showing signs of limiting P2P networks.

*The problem here is that anti-regulation advocates can't promise that there
is competition in bandwidth providers. So it makes it impossible for us to
vote with our dollars.

"In a perfect free market, customers would be free to pack up in leave
Comcast for greener and more open broadband pastures, but the competitive
landscape in the US doesn't always provide that kind of choice. More than a
few Comcast customers are faced with the choice of Comcast or dial-up,
leaving them with the Hobson's choice of hoping their data packets can evade
Comcast's traffic shaping police or not having broadband service at all."


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