----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Patrick Cook"
> On 10/25/07, Richard Amirault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Anyone know how to set up a video podcast at PodcastPickle?
> ANSWER - You can't.

Not sure I believe you (or maybe, that you don't know what you are talking 
about ;-)

There ARE video podcasts listed at podcast pickle, so somehow, some folks 
have set things up "right".

>>  The "ADD CAST" screen has nothing specific for video.  I've added my 
>> 'cast
>>  .. but they call it an audio cast, not a video cast, and my questions to
>>  them (both direct and in the forum) have not been answered.
> Well Richard, lemme clear up (What may be) a few misgnomers which you
> may seem to be assuming.
> 1).  Unlike many places, PodcastPickle IS NOT a hosting service (It's
> only a directory).  Some,places (Such as Pod-O-Matic) however ARE.  As
> such, you can't upload videos to PodcastPickle HOWEVER you can submit
> your RSS feed URL to them for review and submission to the directory
> (They usually review the feed to determine its validity and other
> technical things).

Yes, I know all that.  When I said "set up" I meant getting it listed as a 
video podcast.

The discription of my show *says* it is a TV show. Anyone who read beyond 
the title would think (properly) that it is not an audio podcast, but a 
video podcast. Yet it got listed as an audio podcast.

> 2).  PodcastPickle's main focus is audio podcasts because let's face
> it - Unless you're Rocketboom or DLTV, that's the format the biggest
> and most popular shows are in (Even Dawn & Drew's video podcast SUCKS
> BALLS compared to their audio podcast).

So what if the main focus is audio?  They DO have a video podcast section. 
My cast in not there.

> I think there were a few other things I wanted to say, but I forgot
> what they were now. :D
> Hope this answers your question :D

Richard Amirault
Boston, MA, USA

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