Hey Jason,

This might not be the right place to ask those questions.  Most (not  
all) of the producers here are working organically and personally  
with much smaller audiences and are creating uncommercial content.   
Directly commercial How Do I Get Rich/How Do I Get Famous/How Do I  
Get A Million Views questions from new contributors can be met with a  
bit of a backlash.

But here's my two cents: You want regular six figure viewing figures,  
I'd say the only guaranteed way to do it from a standing start is to  
get featured on Youtube every time.  I would imagine, given your  
profile and Veronica's, and the quality of your show, you could  
probably get a chat with them.  Get a meeting in Palo Alto.  Ask them  
how featured status is decided.  Play whatever game they outline.   
Get Veronica to interview Chad & Steve ;)

However, the value of those views - and how interested the viewers  
are in your show or your brand - is another matter.

My feeling is that to get any value or meaningful response from your  
viewers, you need to build audience and loyalty organically.  All the  
social network/social media groups you've set up are a good start.   
But they're not a quick fix.  Or a road to instant viewer riches.

Youtube featured status IS a quick fix.  BUT - beware of the quick  
fix.  You need friends and passionate advocates, not 100,000 people  
calling Veronica a stupid bitch for no good reason or telling her to  
take her clothes off in the Youtube comments section.  You take the  
shortcut, that's what you're courting.  It can get pretty brutal  
there for featured shows.

I advise you to look at EpicFu (formerly Jetset) - Zadi and Steve  
have done it about as right as possible, I think.  They've been  
developing their show and their fans for a long time, and are now  
getting 1m views per week.  They cover a lot of ground, screen on  
multiple networks as well as their own site and work very hard at  
it.  They have their own social network, which is integral to their  
show.  Seems to work well for them.

I also advise you not pay any attention to my advice.  I'm a  
videoblogger.  I'm happy with a two or three figure audience, not  
six.  I want to keep personal contact with my viewers.  I have  
nothing to sell and no intention of making it my business.  None of  
my opinions are based on any experience of building a promotional  
show with a big audience.  Good luck with it.


On 11 Nov 2007, at 19:55, Jason McCabe Calacanis wrote:

We launched Mahalo Daily with Veronica Belmont last week as some of
you might know. You can find the show at http://daily.mahalo.com and
on iTunes. We're hosting it at Blip.Tv (for now) but considering some
other options since folks have been pinging us.

I'm looking for some advice on what we can do--other than make the
best show we can--to grow the view to 100k+ a day quickly.

We did over 120k views in the first week (about 12-37k views for each
of the first four shows) which is much more than I thought we would.
We've got our iTunes page running and we're syndicating the videos to
YouTube and Facebook. We've also started a Facebook, Ning, Flickr, and
Twitter groups/accounts to compliment the program. They are getting
nice pickup.

On a business level, I'm wondering if there is anyone out there who
can bring in 100-250k views a day for show, perhaps in exchange for
exclusive hosting rights/advertising rights or something (i.e. Yahoo,
AOL, YouTube, etc).

Anyone have an distribution tips?
Has anyone done deals like this?

Mahalo for any help...

best J

i blogged about this here:

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