>  I am working on the final details of my new blog and video show. It is
>  crucial for me to get accurate usage stats. I've built the site the
>  following way:
>  1. my videos are hosted on blip.tv
>  2. I use a self hosted wordpress as a part of showinabox installation.
>  3. I will have in the near future an audio podcast as well
>  4. Each video episode is linked to textual blog posts hosted on the
>  same wordpress blog.
>  5. I will have a combined RSS feed via feedburner
>  What is the best way to gather stats of the afferent info sources?

others may have better solutions, but you really have to add up the
video views yourself from the different sources.
If you are only hosting your videos on blip, then that should be your
total views no matter if people come from other links or through RSS.

some people are using that new service (forgot the name) that upoads
to multiple places at once.
anyone know if that service now tallies up all your views from around the web?


917 371 6790
Video: http://ryanishungry.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/jaydedman
Photos: http://flickr.com/photos/jaydedman/
RSS: http://tinyurl.com/yqgdt9

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