Welcome! Glad to see more educators venture into new territory.

Regarding your second question, I'm not sure if you are talking about
growing an audience or having different places to distribute the
videos. Both are important but others can speak to gathering the bodies.

Just wanted to make sure that you knew about http://teachertube.com/
where the focus is on educational content. 

Other places that are doing educational videos or to check out for
inspiration are:

Discovery Education http://www.discoveryeducation.com
Edutopia http://www.edutopia.org and videos


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "masterymaze" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi
> I am new to this group, and thank you for the invitation!  I am 
> interested in learning from the group.  I am a teacher and creator of 
> video podcast review lessons which I call "masterycasts". Students 
> listen to these short 5-7 minute review lessons in various school 
> subjects. They download them from my website at www.masterymaze.com 
> and play them repeatedly to obtain "mastery".  A couple of questions.
> First, I am creating these in Camtasia studio and looking to possible 
> getthe new version.  Does anyone have any experience with Camtasia or 
> the upgrade?
> Second-- Any suggestions on how to grow the audience?  I believe in 
> free open sharing of these and all educational materials.  That is my 
> goal here.
> These podcasts have transformed my classroom!
> Thanks.
> Sue

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