--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "jonny goldstein"
> Great example of how NOT to manage things when your alpha social web
> platform implodes.
> Operator11, which I have had great experiences with in general, is a
> live streaming video platform. As of last night, their site has been
> down. 
> Their forums are hosted on the same server apparently, so there's no
> info there.
> Their blog, which is still up, was last updated in October. No news
> They don't owe me anything. They are a free service in alpha. 
> But it would be in their interest to keep their users in the loop
> about what's going on, rather than leave us to stew in uncertainty.
> It's very easy for us to jump to another platform. 
> Anyway, I hope they resolve their tech woes and I hope if they have
> future tech difficulties they keep their community better posted on
> what is going on.

That's not good AT.ALL. :/

I just checked, and the site is still down. Not like how Twitter goes
down and tries to fake you out with a picture of a bird! :D  Down as in:

"Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at operator11.com."

Well... you may have to resort to blogtv to do your show tonight.  I
know that defeats the purpose of having your show archives on operator11.

Bill Cammack

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