On Wed, 26 Dec 2007 3:15 pm, Brook Hinton wrote:
> I still don't get this obsession with "the business model" for
> videoblogging. How can you have a single business model based on a
> delivery mechanism?


The internet is a way of delivering content. It allows different people 
to play in the media game, but I don't believe it reinvents it 

I've been making videos since I was 16 ... I'm 35 now. The fundamentals 
of writing, editing, lighting, shooting & producing have gotten easier 
to manage with technology since my 3/4" tape days, but they haven't 

Producing shows for public access, making videos for DCTV, commercials 
for cable TV, shooting the hometown parade, live three camera shoot of a 
Dragon*Con costume contest, mastering DVDs ... It's all the same to me. 
The differences between each are my end audience, not my method of 
delivery (some of those projects have multiple delivery methods to reach 
the same audience).

Pizza gets delivered at a table or delivered to your home. Does the 
delivery method change the pizza?
Brian Richardson
  - http://whatthecast.com
  - http://siliconchef.com
  - http://dragoncontv.com
  - http://www.3chip.com

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