heya jimmy
if you compare your blog to verdi's
you have 2 sidebars and verdi has 1
which makes his large poster image fit better.

it looks like your vids are 480 wide
you might want to match that to the poster image
and make the image also 480 wide
that should fit nicely on your blog, even with 2 sidebars.
or if you want to keep it at least that big
maybe resize a little smaller to 600 px wide
that'll still be large, but will probably fit better in your blog post.

also if you have other concerns
you can join the SIAB list as well:


On Jan 5, 2008 8:06 AM, John Coffey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   I'm having trouble getting images to fit my Show in A
> Box page as nice and neat as Verdi and David Howell
> just to name a couple. I'm still learning Photoshop so
> if anyone could give me a quick hint as to getting the
> sizing just right for the poster image to fit the
> page just right. Thanks
> John
> Jimmy CraicHead TVVideo Podcast about Sailing, Travel, Craic and Cocktails
> www.jchtv.com
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