Perhaps I'm thrown by the fact that in the "movie gallery" demo one of
the images stayed stuck on the screen after the box closed, but even

It's ok. More versatile than other similar things. Still has too much
of its own distracting look/feel.

I just like as much nothing as possible with the video. I'm not even
wild about having a controller. And its not just a thing about wanting
MY videos to be seen a certain way - it bugs me MUCH more when it's
other people's videos that I feel I'm not really SEEING unless I
download'em and roll my own viewing options offline.

Empty page with a movie, or black page with a movie, that's what still
works best for me. Though the designer part of me finds this
preference the rest of me has extremely frustrating.


Brook Hinton
film/video/audio art
studio vlog/blog:

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