>  Milt and the Chicago School are OK but they are the weaker branch of the
>  free-market advocates. If you want the real deal, who lack these
>  inconsistencies you note, look to Von Mises and the Austrian School.
>  <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludwig_von_Mises>

ill one up you: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murray_N._Rothbard
(you know he was Mises' student)

Rothbard criticized the "frenzied nihilism" of left-wing libertarians but
> also criticized right-wing libertarians who were content to rely only on
> education to bring down the state; he believed that libertarians should
> adopt any non-immoral tactic available to them in order bring about liberty.

"anarcho-capitalism <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarcho-capitalism>". lets
do it!
we all get our own army!


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