> I am confused. i think we both agree that transparency is necessary.

I was confused by this statement:
>  I'd say the 5% using 50% and expecting to get away with it forever is
>  irresponsible. Even disrespectful. If you wouldn't do it to a Mom &
>  Pop business, why would you do it to a large corporation?

If a corporation says its "all you can eat", why get angry at users
who take them up on the offer.
If the network cant handle it, dont advertise "all you can eat".
publish transparent limits so users can make choices, and competition
can choose to offer more.

US broadband companies have not been honest about their network
abilities and have oversold to make more money.
dont hate the players; hate the game that the corporations put in place.

if we agree on transparent advertisement of these limits as a start to
open dialogue, then this long thread can end!


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