I was considering this Boxlight Bumblebee $700 super light weight
projector<http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1759,2100966,00.asp>for my
mobile traveling "Silent
video-editing workstation embedded into a carry on luggage. Kind
of makes sense to get a projector of this type than lugging around a 20"
plus LCD. What held the urge, aside from lack of fund to get it :), is the
lack of lumens.
I hope NyTimes's prediction (projection?) comes true in regards to $300-350
lightweight projectors.

It would be nice carrying an Asus EEE with a pocket projector, like a
Samsung one (forgot the model), and project beautiful moving pictures onto
walls anywhere one happens to be. Reminds me of the Star Wars where one of
the main characters throws this little ball that starts projecting
holographic videos. Skype anyone?


Renat Zarbailov of Innomind.org

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