Personally, I am way more bothered by product placement than outright
advertising. If I'm going to be fucked with - excuse me I mean "targeted" by
marketers willing to exploit weaknesses in my human nature to get me to buy
stuff I don't need with money I don't have before discarding the packaging
onto a planet that can't take it, I prefer the tactics to be overt
and conspicuous. And as a maker, the idea of a sponsor dictating what goes
in the frame is even worse than that of some network hack telling me to cut
the best material in order to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
There have to be other ways to make work sustain-ably.

Brook "these crankypants are the wrong size and were probably made in a
sweatshop" Hinton

Brook Hinton
film/video/audio art
studio vlog/blog:
Brook Hinton
film/video/audio art
studio vlog/blog:

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