Hi Steve,

The vPIP Quicktime feed worked fine. It is here:


The Wordpress feed didn't contain media elements, so won't work in
Mefeedia or iTunes (well, you can add it to iTunes, but won't play any

Also, we have a users group here in case anyone else is experiencing


http://www.mefeedia.com - Feed Me Media

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Christian Wach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> On 22 Apr 2008, at 18:50, Steve Watkins wrote:
> > Could someone help me with a feed issue? I setup my site in a  
> > hurry, using wordpress & vPip, and mefeedia gives me errors when I  
> > try to add the feed.
> >
> > This one is the vPip feed for quicktime:
> >
> > http://www.mutantquartz.com/wp-content/plugins/widgets/vPIPFeed.php? 
> > blogURL=http%3A//www.mutantquartz.com&media=vs-title%3A%2BQuickTime
> >
> > This is the standard wordpress rss2 feed:
> >
> > http://www.mutantquartz.com/?feed=rss2
> >
> > Haylpe! Im not sure whether I should be trying to get a solution  
> > from wordpress, vPip, showinabox, or mefeedia. The vpip feed  
> > validates but with a few recommendations, the wordpress feed fails  
> > validation.
> Neither Wordpress nor vPIP are being kind to you. Neither is giving  
> you a "safe" feed. By "safe", it's generally meant (quoting Mark  
> Pilgrim from way back in 2003) "safe to consume with a browser-based  
> RSS reader". Here are his recommendations:
> * Strip script tags. This almost goes without saying. Script tags can  
> be used by unscrupulous publishers to insert pop-up ads onto your  
> news page. Think it won't happen? Some larger commercial publishers  
> are already inserting text ads and banner ads into their feeds.
> * Strip embed tags.
> * Strip object tags.
> * Strip frameset tags.
> * Strip frame tags.
> * Strip iframe tags.
> * Strip meta tags, which can be used to hijack a page and redirect it  
> to a remote URL.
> * Strip link tags, which can be used to import additional style  
> definitions.
> * Strip style tags, for the same reason.
> * Strip style attributes from every single remaining tag. My platypus  
> prank was based entirely on a single rogue style attribute.
> http://diveintomark.org/archives/2003/06/12/how_to_consume_rss_safely
> Of course, few feeds do actually stay within these guidelines. If I  
> were you, I'd dive into the vPIP code and strip out the onclick  
> attributes because the vPIP script is not included - and as a result  
> they are redundant. It shouldn't be too hard to alter the atom:link  
> href either, although I've not looked at vPIP's code for oooh a long  
> time.
> I'm surprised that Mefeedia aren't parsing feeds to strip (at least  
> some of) these tags out, but FWIW, the vPIP feed works fine in iTunes  
> and NetNewsWire here on my Mac.
> Cheers,
> Christian

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