Watch this space ;)

Creative Mobile Filmmaking
Shot, edited and sent with my Nokia N93

On 25 Apr 2008, at 15:42, Jan McLaughlin wrote:

I'm waiting for Nokia to actually get behind a traditional feature  
film shot
entirely with their phones. Now THAT would be something.


On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 3:31 PM, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

 > Brilliant :)
 > On 24 Apr 2008, at 20:19, Heath wrote:
 > Very interesting
 > _ePFFinij8HKs0NUE< 
 > NEW YORK (Reuters) - Filmmaker Spike Lee has linked up with Nokia to
 > direct a movie made with cell phone footage from everyday people in
 > what he calls the democratization of film.
 > The film by Nokia Productions will consist of three acts.
 > An "assignment" for each act will be announced online and people will
 > then have four weeks to produce their submission.
 > "You are seeing first hand the democratization of film," Lee said in
 > a statement on Thursday. "Aspiring filmmakers no longer have to go to
 > film school to make great work. With a simple mobile phone, almost
 > anyone can now become a filmmaker."
 > Lee was nominated for an Academy Award for best original screenplay
 > for "Do the Right Thing" in 1990 and for best documentary for "4
 > Little Girls" in 1998.
 > The film's theme will evolve around the way music tells the story of
 > humanity, and people can submit text, music, video or images at
 > certain times between now and August 21 to
 > Nokia will choose 25 submissions, then people can vote online for
 > their favorite for a top 10 from which Spike Lee will then choose the
 > winning submission from each act.
 > Lee will direct the film through the Web site.
 > The final film with the three winning submissions and other
 > contributed content will premiere later this year in Los Angeles.
 > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 > ------------------------------------
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Jan McLaughlin
Production Sound Mixer
air = 862-571-5334
aim = janofsound
skype = janmclaughlin

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