In a 6-3 ruling today, the Supreme Court ruled that the state of  
indiana can enact a bill that would require Indiana voters to provide  
a photo ID in order to vote. While the Supreme Court noted that  
Indiana does not have a history of voter fraud and legal voters who  
are registered to vote but are without photo identification might  
have a hard time voting, the state could enact a Republican sponsored  
bill that was signed into law in 2005 requiring voters to have a  
photo ID. Some states do require voters to have a form of ID, but it  
doesn't necessarily have to have a photo on it. So a bill or  
insurance card might work.

For any Indiana video bloggers you might be able to get some  
interesting footage of people getting turned away from the polling  
places next Tuesday 5/6 because they didn't have a photo ID.

Here's a link to the AP story:

here's some highlights:

Indiana provides IDs free of charge to people without driver's  
licenses. It also allows voters who lack photo ID's to cast a  
provisional ballot and then show up within 10 days at their county  
courthouse to produce identification or otherwise attest to their  

Many Democrats criticized the ruling Monday. It places "an  
unnecessary burden on elderly and low-income voters, not to mention  
other voters of disparate racial and ethnic backgrounds," said Senate  
Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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