I'm a long-time Apple user.   I started with them on a II+ with
incursions into DOS and Windows, but for almost 10 years now I have
been using Apple and editing on FCP.  I have been a satisfied Mac user
until a couple of years ago when I had various issues with upgrade
policies and software glitches caused by upgrades of various Apple

I won't go into my list of issues, but in sum I have been less than
satisfied with Apple in both depth and candor. 

I need a new laptop.  My 17" PB G4 needs to be upgraded and replaced.
I just priced a new MacBook Pro 17" and it really comes out to about
$4,000 with AppleCare, some software I'll need, etc,. I took a look at
one yesterday and was impressed.  With everything but the price.   

Up until I no longer trusted Apple, I would have gone for it even at
that price.

I'm thinking of moving to a PC and using XP Pro and possibly Vegas or
even Premiere for all my web editing and production.  (Pretty much
straight cutting, no FX.) How bad can a PC be? There are a lot of
people using them.  And there is a broader source of support.  

But I live in the country, about a 2 hour drive or train from NYC, so
it is a pain for me to browse around different computer stores to get
a hands on feel for screen quality and software options.

I'm wondering if I can get any experience of this group... I've never
used Vegas or Avid Express and I'm wondering about the difference
between that option and Final Cut Express -- I do not need or intend
to shell out for Final Cut Pro.

Just exploring the options.  I'm finding Apple and its store staff
arrogant and obnoxious.  Is it something I just have to live with? Or
do some of the other companies that actually have to compete with each
other provide better products and service?  

Frustrated in the stix...

Stan Hirson

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