I know for me it is a number of factors: 

Exhaustion from juggling life, school and videoblogging. I hated to
put that on the back burner but there are times when you have to call
a time out. I'm also writing for BlogHer, the Library Tech blog and my
own blog which has unintentionally turned into the YT Music channel
with commentary on the weeks events. That will change now that I have
a bit more rest and can work out the bugs of my next project.

I didn't want to repeat going to places I've been before and recording
the same things in a different year. That might change now that the
summer events are busting out all over Los Angeles.

I was "video blocked". I don't want to produce crappy video but I'm
still learning how to make thing look good, better, er acceptable.
This is counter to my "just do it" philosophy. I got trapped when I
sat down to edit and I couldn't up it to the next level. Should I even
bother? Most times I didn't. 

Truth is some of you put out fabulous videos and most times I just
have time to point, shoot, upload.

I have ideas that are often inspired by the group and bloggers in
general. I'm working on a new group of service videos for some of the
issues that have come up concerning Fair Use, Copyright and stuff like
that. It is an experiment. I don't know if I can do without it looking
like a PowerPoint presentation.

Which comes back to content. I would love if we could have more
discussions about what the community wants and needs in terms of
content, content creation help and how do you get your idea or point
across with the tools that you have.  Those tools might be process
(thinking) workflow, how to write a functional vlogging script or ???
because we've haven't talked about it.

I've never left just been lurking.


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