Hi Jay,

Been in lurker mode for a while. Someone else sent me a link to the
video.I looked at it because the guy was in Dr. Horrible and ok, let's
see what they have.

Er, no. Not giving the punchline away but it was creepy. Maybe it
gender based or gross out humor. Or my funny bone is rusted but ew.

I know porn has trouble with this concept but, pssst, you have to
write a script when you are mocking porn and not showing porn. 

Not only do you have to write it it should be funny. There is a
concept waiting to happen a true hybrid comedy erotic movie. Or video.
Or videoblog.

I'm not picky. Well, yeah I am. Play nice.

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Jay dedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> many of us have always been amazed that there hasnt been more porn
> creep into videoblogging.
> I know Porn is the originator of web video for the most part...but
> interesting more nudity hasnt crept into "web shows.
> There is of course: http://youngamericanbodies.com/
> and there was that Naked News website for a while.
> Here's an article on a new site.
> http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/arts/entertainment-us-porn.html
> "This is a place where the porn and the mainstream film industries
> meet and get to have some understanding of each other," said James
> Gunn, a writer, director and producer.
> http://www.spike.com/video/pg-porn-pg-porn/3041858 ."
> It's like Maxim for video where mainstream "stars" can play at being
> Jay
> -- 
> http://jaydedman.com
> 917 371 6790

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